Mathias Rossi

Mathias Rossi risk management, competency management, reorganization, social entrepreneurship, occupational health, human resources management, satisfaction surveys, program evaluations, quantitative and qualitative analyses, statistical analysis of data,

Psychosocial risks due to perceived work-life conflict: role of some organizational and psychographic variables – An empirical study within a Swiss police force

In this study, we seek to identify the means available to a public organization to prevent work-life conflict in an environment unlikely to reconcile these two spheres: the police profession. To do this, we will seek to understand the impacts of certain organizational variables (the perception of autonomy, the demands of the task, social and organizational support) and a psychographic variable (the sense of coherence) on the perception of this conflict.

Our mixed methodology mobilizes different approaches: a quantitative study that allows data exploration and individualinterviews.
