In collaboration with a PhD student in micropaleontology and in order to understand the evolution of fossilized marine organisms, we conducted several statistical analyzes to determine whether the characteristic dimensions of these organisms allowed them to be grouped into different families. These analyzes were conducted for two distinct observation periods at different geographical locations.
Ref: Dr Monica Constandache, “Morphometric study of porosity and morphology of fossil Globigerinoides, during the Late Oligocene and Early Pliocene”
The ASAM Group has recently launched its Jupyter hub. The project intends to give students a set of interactive courses, as an introduction to the statistical software R. Thank Jupyter, one has the possibility to learn and test in a “live” environment line codes from different languages, as R, Python, Julia, etc. In the next years, the applied statistics master courses given by the ASAM Group will be each completed by Jupyter notebooks.
Gambling machines in public places must involve skill and cannot be based on pure luck. The Federal Gaming Board issues mandates to study the level of skill required in a newly developed gambling machine, using real world tests as well as simulations. These studies serve as a basis to determine whether the machine can be operated in public places.