
Data analysis with R

LAST OCCURENCE : Monday, december 4th 2017, 9am – 17pm

This course is designed for anyone who wants to learn some basic statistics in R.

It is given in French by Dre Nayla Sokhn  and Prof. Thomas Clerc.

Data analysis is more and more a major issue. We offer you the use of an open-source software, R,  which uses successful statistical tools of validation, with a very dynamic scientific community building hundreds of libraries adapted to their problems.

The outline of this course is the following :

  1. Software installation (R and R-studio),
  2. Basic manipulations
  3. Importing and writing data in R
  4. Descriptive stats in R
  5. Introduce some functions designed for handling the data in R
  6. data visualization (histograms, boxplots, barplots)
  7. Statistical Tests (example : t-test, anova)
  8. Linear regression
  9. Introduce specific libraries (to define according to the interest of the public)

Participants will bring their own portable computer to use the software (please contact us if this is not possible).

Number of participants is limited to 18.

The cost is  300 or 500 Fr according to your institution/company


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Mathematik in Ihren Diensten